Pay or Appeal
The worlds most advanced forecourt protection and parking solution

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Advanced Forecourt Protection And Revenue System

a car at petrol station
1.Vehicle enters site

Vehicle registration
detected to VARS protect
ANPR/LPR cameras.

2.Instant alert VARS protect

VARS System pulls information from Countries Global Database. Alerts via audio/visual display at point of sale, averting repeat offence.

3.New vehicle commits an offence

Site enters new offence using touch screen at point of sale, instantly adding a vehicle to the Global watchlist.

4.Payment Recovery

VARS Tecnology pursues owner/keeper for stolen fuel and pays money recovered back to forecourt.


Overstay revenue stream. Paid parking revenue stream. EV charging management.

VARS technology operate in...


What we can do for you

Dramatically reduce your fuel loss and recover more revenue

0 %
Dramaticaly reduce your fuel loss and recover more revenue
0 %
NMoP recovered
Profit share on parking fines
0 %
Satisfaction in our system
Profit share on parking payments

Client Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

"As a Fuel Loss prevention officer, we went to market and tested several companies & Vars technology ltd. They produce a fast & simple to use end to end solution using forward thinking technology. The whole process could not have been any easier especially when you are able to tailor make the service specific to your individual sites. Regarding parking, it helped us control areas which had parking issues... They have been flexible to allow us to have control over parking tickets for customers who we are not trying to charge & improve the convenience of parking on site, They respond to emails very quickly and their portal is easy to use. VARS will be pushed to out across EG Group’s Uk estate."
Sameer Ali - FLPO Sameer Ali - FLPO Fuel loss Prevention Officer
"We were losing money every week through drive offs. The VARS system doesnt stop the first one but prevents it happeneing again and at our other sites. We also get some of our money back!"
Valli Forecourt Valli Forecourt Customer
"I am writing to recommended Vars Technologies Ltd. I have been using Vars Technologies from over 12 months now and found thier ANPR ,forecourt protection and Parking services to be essential part of a forecourt business. We have seen a dramatic drop in our losses of bilking, and letter of intents. This has resulted in this type of crime going to other forecourts who have not invested in these types of systems. They are reasonable priced and always do exactly what is asked of them."
Kumar Sharma Sharma Garages Group
"We only have a small car park but the VARS system has enabled us to generate revenue from it. Retail sales are also up as the car park is full of buying customers instead of people leaving cars."
Talke Pits Talke Pits Customer
"After installing our Vars system, problems on the forecourt have dramatically decreased. The team are fantastic and the service is superb, quality of images is second to none, even at night, and the ability to search the database and put markers on vehicles has been so useful, I just wish we had installed years previous. We also use the system as a tool, to help us serve our customers better, if we have a disabled customer, or elderly customers who likes a little help, we have it set to inform the cashier they are on site. The added security this gives to the site is brilliant. However large or small your petrol station is, you need this, it is without doubt the best investment we have made. Anybody who would like to see our system in operation, please come and see us you would be most welcome. I welcome this as over the years we have had to become the police for our own sites and if we can all share knowledge of challenging number plates we can protect our business better."
Guy White Shell Horncastle Lincolnshire
“The VARS system has been an excellent addition to our business, it has significantly reduced the Drive-offs we were getting and saved us a lot of fuel loss. We have also started getting a lot of the money back and the added bonus of the income we receive from parking means the system pays for itself. It has become an invaluable part of our business.”
Waqas Aslam Valli Forecourts

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Let us provide you with the Best Value solution with ongoing customer satisfaction
The worlds most advanced forecourt protection and parking solution